Os bolsonaro Diaries

Os bolsonaro Diaries

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A Trump-owned company sells $299 sneakers with an image of his bloodied face after rally shooting A company is now selling sneakers showing the iconic image of Donald Trump with streaks of blood on his cheek and pumping his fist in the air after he was the target of an assassination attempt.

[99] Bolsonaro said he did not observe "any effort by former minister Sergio Moro to resolve the matter."[97] Joaquim do Carvalho has said that the police left out of their investigation the search for information by a mastermind of the attack or even a self-attack. For this, expert medical examination of Bolsonaro and review of the medical records would be needed.[100] Personal motto

Foerster said that the Secret Service noticed his regular rally attendance and asked him to be a "second set of eyes" and eventually gifted the couple seats at Trump's inauguration.

Mr. Trump was so consumed with conspiracy theories about the “deep state” that his administration weeded out Cabinet members and career civil servants it deemed to be disloyal at prolific rates. Scores left under their own volition.

Yet another possibility is that if he is incarcerated, upon the start of his second term, he could be removed from office under the 25th Amendment as “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office.”

A comunicaçãeste enganosa em massa era definida pelo texto saiba como "promover ou financiar campanha ou iniciativa para disseminar fatos que sabe inverídicos, e qual sejam capazes do comprometer o processo eleitoral".

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Should Mr. Trump be convicted in a federal case, he would likely then move to pardon himself, a power he claimed in 2018 that he had the “absolute right” to wield. It is not clear whether a self-pardon would be legitimate.

An Aug. 28 hearing would fall just five days after the first Republican presidential debate will be held in vlogdolisboa Milwaukee.

But those facts have not mattered much to Mr. Bolsonaro or his supporters, who have instead focused their attention on a series of anecdotal apparent abnormalities in the voting process and results, as well as many conspiracy theories.

T-shirts with image of Trump raising his fist after assassination attempt are for sale in China Images of the moment have already been splashed across the world’s front pages and papered many corners of the Net.

More than 350 people charged so far stand accused of assaulting police officers, including about 110 who used a deadly or dangerous weapon. Another 310 people have been charged with the obstruction of an official proceeding, the go-to count that prosecutors have used to describe how members of the mob disrupted the certification of the election that was taking place inside the Capitol at a joint session of Congress.

This restructuring, which had eluded Bolsonaro’s predecessors as president, was a big policy win for him.

He was released on conditions, including that he he not have contact about the case with any witnesses unless attorneys are present.

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